"Bad Genius" is a Thai film about an intelligent girl and her classmates who are suffering with their exams. Lynn is the daughter of a rural school teacher who struggles financially but manages to send his only child to a famous school. Lynn devises numerous methods of channeling answers for her pals during exams in exchange for a handsome sum of money, with the benevolent purpose of assisting her father with his financial woes.

Lynn is a brilliant young woman from a modest home. She is a left-handed individual. She was the only one who lived alone. Lynn has lived with his father since his parents divorced when he was a baby. He won numerous competitions in a variety of fields. First place in Swimming sports, inter-school math competition, national crossword puzzle champion accomplishment champion, among many other things. She also enjoys playing the piano and enjoys listening to classical music. She is a hard worker with devoted friends and a strong sense of self-worth. Loves about those closest to him, is a touch materialistic, and has a lot of horrible clever ideas, Full of surprises, responsible, and always grateful for anything.

Grace is Lynn's first friend. She is a character with little intelligence in academics and is one of the wealthiest children. However, She is an expert in extracurricular acting. So it's no surprise that he's skilled at convincing Lynn to assist him with his academics. She has a lovely face, is naïve, whiny, clumsy, and often perplexed, yet is really loving to Lynn.

Pat is Lynn's classmate and Grace's boyfriend. He is the son of the owner of a star hotel, "Patton" and is known to be very rich. He seemed to overdo everything. His figure is a little silly, cunning, and never thought carefully in doing something. This spoiled child has an arrogant and stubborn nature, so it's no wonder he has to get everything he wants no matter what. However, despite all his vices, he is a figure obedient towards his parents and a little bit timid.

Bank was a riot in all of Lynn and her two friends' plans, but she was very honest. He is one of the smartest scholarship recipients in school and has been a rival to Lynn since junior high. Although clever, detailed and so thrifty, he was not a tidy person. He is very mysterious and a little cunning. He had an innocent and stiff face, but his expression was obvious when he was nervous. Banks are very good at memorizing. He had trained this high memory from childhood with his late father by playing memory; memorize the decimal Pi, people's names, and more. Bank is a figure who works hard and really cares about his mother. She helps her mother run a small laundry business. When at school he always saw cheating that occurred among his friends and complained to the teacher. 

Thoughts on the movie " Bad Genius "

Some children are prone to cheating in school. Cheating on school examinations is a well-kept secret among pupils. It's something that almost everyone does. Just like the movie Bad Genius, which we saw last Thursday.   My classmates and I find it quite thrilling and entertaining. We are astounded by Lynn's (primary character's) response. Lynn shares the solution in a unique way by playing the piano with her bare hands. Lynn's classmates, such as Pat and Grace, are extremely wealthy. Pat and Grace, along with their classmates, pay Lynn to share the solution with them throughout key exams. In this film, Lynn was used by several people for personal benefit rather than friendship.

Overall, this film is about dishonesty as a result of prevalent cheating. Students nowadays are extremely lackadaisical when it comes to studying. As a result, when it comes to exams, people tend to imitate others. Students should concentrate on their studies in order to have a better future. There was a twist at the end. Some type of character switch between Bank and Lynn. Lynn refused the Bank's offer, and finally, Lynn was being quizzed about the STIC examination cheating issue. At least Lynn was truthful and revealed the truth about the cheating that occurred. Money, at least in the long run, cannot purchase happiness. That, I believe, is the lesson learned.

Cheating is wrong, but people still do it. Cheating cannot be avoided or destroyed. Some students are born with it. This film depicts the rampant cheating that occurs among pupils. This movie has a fantastic role, so when students view it, they will be afraid to cheat. Let us not cheat; instead, let us study harder and review our teachings on a daily basis so that we can answer all of the questions on quizzes and exams.

One clear takeaway from this film is how money makes the world go round. We see how money inspires people, gives people authority, and, most obviously, makes people greedy. This film conveys the concept that we are so reliant on and concerned with money that we are prone to wrongdoing. Money is portrayed as the mother of all evil in this film since it is never used for good. The character growth of Lynn and her counterpart Bank.


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