Reflection: ACCEPTED

I think it has a lot of important lessons for youth. Firstly, this movie encourages everyone to embrace their individuality, differences and uniqueness. 

 Never look down on others or their dreams and hopes simply because they differ from yours. This film also emphasizes the need of unleashing your imagination. Young people should use their unconventional ideas to create something important for their own future.

Give yourself a say in the decision-making process. Assume you are going to choose your educational or career path. Consider this: What do you want to study? Cooking? Okay, go for it. What do you aspire to be? Is he a magician? Okay, go for it. Do not let a rigid school curriculum and a judgmental culture to stifle your creativity and silence your voice in decision-making.

Last but not least, do not let rejection be a wall that hinders your path to reach a goal.

A little reminder: It's okay to be different, and it's also perfectly fine to be rejected. Let out a big sigh of relief when you figure out what your dreams and goals are, or what you want to do in life, because all you have to do next is convert your dream into passion, then ignite your motivational fire, and then act to achieve your goals.


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